Or Oh My! Dragonfly? Which is it? I just realized I've been using them both interchangeably, but would like to settle on one rather than flitting all around the marsh like this sweet little green darner.
Here's another Oh My! Dragonfly that I just finished as a special order for my Mother-in-Law. You can say what you want about MIL's, and I do, but this woman has impeccable style. Plus, she has the added benefit of having raised one of the finest men on the planet. I'll give her that! So thank you, Elizabeth, for all that and for this stunningly tailored color choice.
I will be putting this brooch in my shop, but in the meantime, here it is in all it's simple beauty. This is a brooch sewn with a cute, little netted flower around a Jet black Swarovski rivoli. Adorable on a lapel or a winter hat!
As with any beadwork I post, please feel to contact me personally via email if you are interested in it or in a special order!