Friday, May 3, 2013


I've been called brave two times this week!  The first time was by the Animal Control Specialist who came out to my house to help rid our premises of THIS:

A HUGE gray rat snake, sunning it's lovely self on a tree outside my bathroom window, suddenly decided to enter the soffit of our house.  I was freaking hysterical when I called Animal Control, but by the time they came out to the house, I had calmed down enough to receive the the biggest compliment of my life:  "You seem quite level-headed".  HA!

The snake is still in there, I've been assured it cannot enter the house from it's little nest, and yes, we are trying to trap this monstrosity!  I'll keep you posted on the details.

THEN, I was called brave because of THIS:

I'm quite comfortable playing with new ideas with my beloved beadwork, and not really all that fearful of making dreadful mistakes.  It can always be picked out or cut, or changed.  Even if it's not a masterpiece to begin with, I am always learning something new and challenging.  I love that!  This is a very long cuff constructed from the marvelous ideas presented in Contemporary Geometric Beadwork by Kate McKinnon.  I did it with Mad Men in mind.  I was imagining a plaid suit with a floral shirt, something Don would wear, but it became more like a bandana as it was beaded.    That was still definitely MOD, so it stayed.  Very 60's!